Frequently Asked Questions
Who can I contact for information regarding an event or have a general question about LEAD?
Public Affairs Office
Where can I find information about the depot's operational status?
Call the depot hotline at (717) 267-8109 or (717) 267-8916
I am a driver trying to make contact for a delivery to the depot. Who can I contact?
Truck Driver Hotline Number (717)267-5220
What is Letterkenny's mailing address?
Public Affairs Office
Letterkenny Army Depot
1 Overcash Avenue
Chambersburg, PA 17201-4150
How can I get information if hunting is open or closed at Letterkenny?
Please call Natural Resources Office hotline at (717)267-8200
Can I get applications for hunting online?
No. Please call Natural Resources Office for further information at (717)267-8674
Where do I get information about Federal Employment?
OPM website 
How do I apply for a job at Letterkenny Army Depot?
Visit USA Jobs site 
Who do I contact for CAC/MILITARY IDs and (DEERS) Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System information?
Appointment only, Please call (717) 267-8751
How do I contact an individual at LEAD?
Operator (717)267-8111, DSN 570-8111
Who can I contact to request a visit to LEAD?
Email Protocol Office
How do I obtain previous employment information?
OPM website 
Who can I contact concerning the depot's capabilities and partnering with the depot?
Business Development Office
How do I report a sexual assault/harassment incident?
Visit SHARP website
, our EEOC Office at LEAD at (717)267-5404 or Sexual Assault Victims
Does Letterkenny Army Depot Have a union?
Yes, Union Offices for both GS page
and WG employees may be found here.
Demilitarization by Open Burn/Open Detonation Info
Noise Complaint Hotline- 717-267-8860